Domestic  Arequipe

ingredientes (4 personas)

A) 1 y 1/2 litros de leche
B)1 libra de azucar                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 C) 1 cucharadita de bicarbonato




In a saucepan combine milk, sugar and baking.
Stir well to incorporate the ingredients and bring to boil.
Keep on the stove over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent sticking
or ahúme, until mixture thickens and acquires the desired texture, about an hour and a half.


to defrost (difróst) - descongelar
to dice (dáis) - cortar en cubitos
to dilute (dilút) - diluir
to dissolve (disólv) - disolver

to dry (drái) - secar
to empty (émpti) - vaciar
to fill (fil) - llenar
to flip (flip) - dar vuelta

to fold (fóuld) - doblar, plegar
to fry (frái) - freir
to glaze (gléiss) - glasear
to grate (gréit) - rallar

to grease (gríis) - engrasar
to grill (gril) - asar a la parrilla
to grind (gráind) - moler
to halve (jáv) - partir en dos


to heat (jíit) - calentar
to knead (níid) - amasar
to liquidize (líkuidáiss) - licuar
to melt (melt) - derretir

to mince (míns) - picar carne
to mix (míks) - mezclar
to peel (píil) - pelar
to pour (páur) - volcar, verter

to press (pres) - presionar, apretar
to put (put) - colocar, poner
to remove (rimúuv) - quitar, sacar
to rinse (ríns) - enjuagar

to roast (róust) - asar
to roll out (róul áut) - aplanar, extender
to scoop up (skup-áp) - ahuecar (con cuchara)
to seal (síil) - sellar


to season (síson) - aderezar
to serve (sérv) - servir
to shake (shéik) - agitar, sacudir
to sharpen (shárpen) - afilar

to sieve (síiv) - tamizar
to simmer (símer) - hervir a fuego lento
to slice (sláis) - rebanar
to smoke (smóuk) - ahumar

to soak (sóuk) - remojar
to spill (spil) - derramar
to sprinkle (sprínkl) - rociar, salpicar
to squeeze (skuíis) - exprimir

to steam (stíim) - cocinar al vapor
to stew (stiú) - guisar, estofar
to stir (ster) - freír
to stir-fry (stér-frái) - rehogar


to strain (stréin) - colar
to stuff

 (staf) - rellenar, mechar
to thicken (zíken) - espesar
to trim (trim) - recortar

to waste (uéist) - desperdiciar
to whisk (uísk) - batir



1. Greg jones tells us about what he will do if aliens come.

a. if/theyinvade us/I/tell them/I can workfor them

    If they invade us I will tell them I can work for them

b. If/I/work for them/i/ask/ask them//for a good salary

    If I work for them will ask them for a good salary

c.  If /they/like my work/ they/ take me / to their planet

If the like my work they will take to me to their planet.

2. Finish the conditional sentences below use the real unreal conditional.


a. I would buy a house if  I HAD MONEY

b. If i have time tomorrow, I WOULD GO FOR A LUAK

c. People would belive in aliens  if PEOPLE SAW THEM ON THE PLANET.

3. Fill in the blanks with much or very.

a. Airplanes fly VERY fas, but rockets fly MUCH faster than airplanes.

b. Some planets like Jupiter are VERY big.

c.high places are MUCH colder than lower ones.

d. Watching science fiction films is Very entertaining, but

   traveling to space is much more exiting.




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